Library Services
Following services are offered by the AU library:
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) provides search facility for members on a network environment. OPAC facility is available on the internet and AU members can search the catalogue world wide.
- Borrowing facility :
All the bonafied students, staff, faculty and alumini of Alliance University can register themselves by filling the library membership form. Registered members are allowed to borrow the resources as per the entitlements.
Category | Books-Issue copy | Renewals |
Faculty | 10 for 30 days | 2 |
Staff | 5 for 15 days | 1 |
Students | 7 for 15 days | 1 |
Students - SC/ST | 10 for 15 days | 1 |
Research Scholar | 5 for 30 days | 2 |
Reservation :Members can place a hold on material that has already been checked through Web OPAC. When the material becomes available, the member will receive an e-mail alert. Members can also renew the books online.
- New Arrivals :
To bring the newly added publications to the notice of users, recent additions of books, periodicals and other publications are displayed in the New Arrival display section before they are released for lending.
- Reference/Referral Services :
Reference material like Dictionaries, Year Books, Encyclopedias and Manuals are made available in the reference section.
- Institutional Repository:
Faculty Publications and thesis and dissertations of the university are made available through the Digital Library Software.
- Document Delivery Service:
The Library offers DDS Service for obtaining full text of articles from other institutions/ research centers and universities on request. This service is offered with in the preview of copyright laws.
- Inter Library Loan:
The Library offers inter-library loan service from other libraries. The library has established an excellent co-operative arrangement with many libraries in the country.
- Reprography: The Library provides photocopying of the documents available in the library can be provided subject to copyright restrictions.
- Newspaper Clipping Service:
Newspaper Clipping Service provides bibliographic information with full text of news articles from all the major daily newspapers. These newspaper clippings are made available online through the library intranet.
- Case Repositories:
Case Repository is a collection of case studies developed by Alliance University faculty members. This case repository also contains some of the purchased cases as well as open access cases (under Creative Common License).
- Article Indexing:
Article Indexing covers all the print journals which Alliance University Library has subscribed from 2012 onwards.
- Audio-Visual facility:
The library has a rich collection of multimedia like case videos from Harvard Business School, Soft Skills Videos, award winning movies and audio books available for class room screening or individual viewing.
- Visual Aid Section for Visually Challenged Users:
The Central Library introduced special facilities for visually challenged users to assist them in accessing library resources.
Special Features
- Audio Books Collection
- JAWS Talking Software: The software converts computer into a talking computer
- Open Book Scanner and Reader with Pearl Highspeed Camera: This device with dedicated software can assist in reading printed books by converting them into accessible formats, including real-time text-to-speech conversion.
- Duxbury Braille Translator (DBT) Software: The software can convert texts into Braille, with multi language support.
- Braille Printer/Embosser: It can print multi-language content in Braille.
Library Orientation:
As part of our user awareness program, the library regularly organizes orientation/training programs on library resources and services. One-to-one user training programs are also conducted as and when required.